Launchpage - ARURAI

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A teal and red button. 'Neocities: THE WEB IS YOURS'An animated button featuriŋ Spamton wiþ þe label 'KROMER'An animated button wiþ Virovirokun from DELTARUNE draggiŋ þe word 'VIROVIROKUN' behind þemButton wiþ a burniŋ picture. 'This is an Anti-NFT Site'Green button wiþ a green '@' wiþ an E instead of an A. 'SUBTENU! ESPERANTO'Grey button wiþ Mastodon's mascot. 'Follow me on mastodon'A button. '<HTML> Learn it today!'Broken button wiþ Spamton from DELTARUNE. 'GET KROMER   QUICK!'Button wiþ two Pipis from DELTARUNE. 'pipis Now!'A parody of þe 'Netscape Now!' button depictiŋ a music note instead of an N. 'MIDI Files Now!'A grey button wiþ þe IrfanView logoAn animated button consistiŋ of several oþer WinAmp buttons. 'WinAmp music player; built listening to WinAmp'A basic white and yellow button advertisiŋ 7-Zip. 'Get free; 7-Zip'Blue button wiþ AOL's Runniŋ Man logo. 'AOL Instant Messenger'